Sunday, January 6, 2013

I Can't Change the Title of the Blog

Thanks Google; you are a good friend.  Why can't I change the name of the blog anytime I want?

Introduction and Confession

I admit, I named this as an attempt to troll for page views.  Consider that an experiment.  I may be too late to get anything out of Psy's billion views, but I had to try it out.  Some guy on YouTube made a long boring video of he and his family and got 200K views just by mentioning Gangnam Style.  If you want my opinion on Psy, I think the song is catchy and you can dance to it.  My toddler loves it.  She dances and tries to sing to it.  Gangnam Style and Poker Face are her favorites.

I don't expect the 15 minutes to go on too much longer, but for a viral video, it's entertaining.  I hated that dancing baby from the 90's.  I hated the Macarena.  I thought the Honey Badger video was funny.  Aside from that, I am feeling pretty alone on the Internet.

Talk about The Lonely Crowd.  I browse the web looking for people I used to know occassionally.  I've found a few in the past.  One guy seems to have dropped off the web.  He had a MySpace back when, then he stopped reading his messages there, and he has not migrated to Facebook.  I suppose I miss him, although I don't want to sound sappy.  Just wondering why he's not using the web to communicate anymore.  He used to be a great communicator-- incisive, sardonic, witty.  Alas, I find nobody to communicate with on the Internet anymore.  Just sappy progressives on Twitter when I troll.

Oh, and some music producers on Soundcloud.  There is Soundcloud.  But I am almost out of upload time, unless I go pro.  And do I really want to do that?  Maybe I should enter that iPolysix contest, in the hopes of winning a free pro upgrade, along with some other crap.

If anybody cares, this post is me at the most personal I've ever been in a blog, or any other sort of post.  Hopefully, someone will read it and think, "God, what a douchebag.  I thought this would be about Gangnam Style."